Monday, June 19, 2006

PokerStars Tourney Results...and some other things.

Well the PokerStars Blogger tourney didn't go well. It felt like getting your car stuck in the mud. Even with the raising and stealing of blinds, I hovered around the 2000 chip mark the whole time. Win a little here...lose a little there. Eventually, I got short-stacked and pushed with A-6 of hearts. Of course, someone woke up with A-A so that was that.

That bonus with Party Poker? Gone...poof. When I had it cleared, there was about $12 left. You really can't play cash games with it (since the games start at 0.50/1.00) and playing $1 tourneys would have been boring. So I tried a couple of Omaha Hi/Lo SNG's. They could have gone better (finished 7th in both). Another "car stuck in mud" situation.

My account in Royal Vegas is around $16 from the initial amount of $10. Seems to be around there for awhile now.

I have been toying around with my aggression game to see if it changes results. I'll keep you posted.


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