Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Hello to anyone who reads this.

Okay, my March didn't start out great. I did one SnG at Party and finished 7th. It basically boiled to me misplaying a hand and not seeing the possible flush (D'oh). Surprisingly, two people got eliminated before I did...here I am with 120 chips and they decided to go all in with garbage.....at least I recognize when I did something dumb.

Now onto the Negreanu Protege tournament at fullcontactpoker.net. There were 458 people with the top 50 making it through to the next round.

I finished 7th!!!!!

All I can say is that I played brilliantly and, with the exception of one hand, never got all my money in with the worst hand. I do have a couple of hands to talk about. One was luck, one was bad luck, and one just pissed me off.

The "luck" hand occurred when there were about 100 people left. I was sitting in MP with AdKd. I was the first to enter with a raise. A player in late position then went all in with a short stack. I had a decent amount of chips at this point plus I didn't think he had a great hand so I called him. He turned over As8s....good for me so far.

The flop came A-x-x rainbow. Then the turn came 8h and my heart sank....always seems to happen....then I got lucky with a King on the river. Not a bad beat exactly since I was ahead preflop but good luck for me regardless.

My bad hand was with two tables left when my A-Q ran against A-K in an all-in situation. I had him covered (fortunately) but I was crippled. However, I played well enough to rebuild my stack to about average surprisingly enough and made it to the final table.

It would have been hard to win this one as there were two monster stacks which eventually became one...really dumb play in my opinion...calling an all-in with one pair....from the other monster stack at that!

My "pissed off" hand was with me having pocket aces. I went all in and had two callers....both with hands not worth calling with. On the flop, I caught a third ace while my opponent was drawing dead with a straight draw needing a ten. There were only 3 left as my other opponent had one (and he wasn't a factor after the flop). Of course, the guy hit one of three remaining tens on the river knocking me out.

Overall, however, I felt that I played well and earned a bye into another tournament this weekend.....wish me luck.


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