Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hello again for 2007!

Hey folks (or anyone reading...if there is anyone).

Well, I've made some resolutions for 2007 and one of them is balance. Thus, I only play poker online on the weekends and leave the nights during the week for my family. I'm fine with this as I then look forward more to playing.

The cards have been rough in my cash game with several two or three outers on the river but that is life and I can accept it. Still have plenty of bankroll for my limits so no worries.

Some of the money was lost in SNG's so I'll need to lay off of those for awhile...at least on my usual site...but not on TigerGaming. They are having a promotion for the WPT championship in a few months. Basically, it is a 7 step SNG process where, if you win at step 7, you get the package. I got a free entry to step 1 (you can buy in directly to any step) so I figured to give it a shot.

Well, right now I'm sitting on step 3. Pretty cool. I'm finding the action to be pretty loose (and pretty bad) and have had no trouble winning or finishing second (which gives you another entry in the same level) 4 out of 5 times. If you are looking to get a shot (a cheap one at that), click on one of the tigergaming links on the right.



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