Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back from vacation.

I know. I haven't written in a while. I was on vacation for the last few weeks with my family.

During that time, I have been playing SNGs...and having great success. I think I have finally plugged some holes and things are working out well. I placed in the money about 75% of the time. In the other 25%, I finished no less than 5th and, with a couple of exceptions, had the best hand when the money went in. On Royal Vegas, I managed to meet my initial goal of doubling my bankroll (which is pretty cool).

Here is a hand I would like to share that knocked me out of one SNG. We were down to 5 players and on level 4. I had pocket Q's UTG. I raised preflop and had a call from a guy who had been raising with some pretty marginal hands (Q-5o as an example). The flop came:


This guy jumped to a large lead before this hand but had donked off a lot of chips to other players. I decided to push all-in. He called instantly. My first thought was that he had two pair or possibly a set. He turns over:


Whatever, I don't know what he was thinking here. Of course, he hit a 6 on the river to knock me out but I'm not too upset over it.

I've been thinking about the hand. The only mistake I might have made was to go all-in on the flop. I probably should have waited for the turn card for such a move...but I may have gone broke anyway.

Any thoughts?


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