Friday, February 12, 2010

God I suck... least on one hand last night.

When I'm playing, I try to play around 200 hands per session. This has become easier to do with Rush poker as you can get in a lot of hands/hr. I was doing okay...was down for a while but a double up brought me back. Had AK and raised...was reraised. With the amount I had I would be looking for top pair on the flop and had about the right stack to do it. So I decided to reshove. Guy called with A8 and I doubled up...nice.

Then AK comes back to kill me. Folds to LP who raises and I have AK in the blinds. I reraise and he repops. Here is where I'm an idiot. He is basically telling me he has a decent hand. Given my AK, it is unlikely he has AA or KK. Given the big pocket pairs left, it leaves QQ-JJ or he has a similar hand like AK. I decide to shove. He calls with QQ and I don't improve...stack is gone....again.

Just based on that, I was about a 60-40 underdog regardless of the pocket pair. I could have just called the initial raise...saw the flop and made a decision from there. Nope, I decided to play a big pot when there was no reason too.....crap.

I've been trying to get out of my tighter style of play but I have to keep the fundamentals in mind. I didn't have a hand yet to play a big pot with. If an ace or king comes on the flop, I can shove at that point as my relative SPR would have dictated that it was the correct play. I'm a moron.

I reviewed my current results. It if wasn't for rakeback, I would have lost almost 50% of my original deposit....yikes, that is pause for thought. However, I still have enough to play. I let a session of making reasonably good decisions get ruined by one hand. I'll learn...

I think I might start playing some more tournaments...been missing that kind of action. However, I still have money to play. In fact, Pacific Poker is offering a promotion of a free $8...but I think I have enough sites currently.


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