Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wow wow wow....

hey folks.

I know I know.....I haven't written in a while. Sorry....been too busy making money.

I should explain. I started playing some SNGs again as I needed a change of pace...and have been on a heater.

With the exception of a ninth with AA cracked and two bubble finishes, I've been cashing in all of them including winning 7 of 9 on Full Tilt. It has been crazy. I won't say that I've been playing perfectly. However, things have been running well I can't complain at all. It is turning into a banner year for me.

Of course, FTP is having a Rush Poker promotion this week which I've been playing. Had a large day 1...and then lost my buy in on day I'm up about 1/2 a buy-in so far. Just playing tight and trying to get the bonus money. My day 2 loss was the result of my Aces being cracked by 54 suited when the flush came on the river.

I made the raise preflop and was called. The flop came Jack high with 2 hearts...I made an 80% pot bet and was called. Then I screwed everything up. I checked the turn when the board paired and he bet a modest amount. For some reason, I just called here without thinking it through. Being the idiot, I realized that I was going to be pot committed on the river (which was the King of hearts). I should have just pushed on the turn if I was going to continue with the hand....I have learned my lesson.

However, poker life is good right now so I have no complaints. I have even erased my poker playing deficit on FTP so I'm in the black now based strictly on my play. Only site where I'm not is UB....but I don't have much there. Might be a good place to try a few things...if I lose the money there no big deal.

Doing the best I can right now.


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