Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ugly FTP session

Played a couple of tables on FTP last night as part of the Rush week promotion...ugly.

I'm getting tired of getting KK and running it into AA preflop. This seems to be happening frequently and can drive you nuts. Unfortunately, things like this make me tilt and I spew off more money that I really didn't need to if I was more calm. It started after making top pair and betting pot on flop, turn and making 2 pair on river (A7 on A7xxx board)...and getting shown pocket sevens for a rivered set. I then started making bigger pots than my hand really needed.

Lesson learned. I have to keep the following things in mind.

1. I'm beating the game long term..up about 8 buy-ins for the year so far.
2. I did make some good plays last night. Making top pair on river and suspecting I was behind...so I checked behind player...turned out he had AK for TP with a better kicker than my A10.
3. The year is going well overall so far. Been playing more 6-max stuff and seems to be going okay for now.
4. I'm well bankrolled for the game...so no money worries about playing too short.

Been reading some psychology books...been helping with tilt so far. Last night shows that I still need some more work on this.


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