Saturday, August 30, 2008

CNE Trip....*sigh*

Well I went today and dropped a couple hundred dollars in the 5-10 game.

The table is what you want....a bunch of older people who play garbage hands and play it more for recreation than anything else.

In a nutshell, it wasn't my day. Biggest pair I had was pocket jacks and that lost to a guy who played 9-7o and flopped a straight. A couple of other times I limped in with small pairs in a family pot and didn't get the set....a couple of nut flush draws that didn't come in (big pots in those....)....AJs and the flop came with mid straight cards (e.g.) 7-6-5 with none of my suit and several players interested in it. My personal favourite was flopping two pair and a lady chased me down with nothing but a backdoor flush draw and, of course, got her two clubs on the turn and river. You get the idea of how it went. I think I won maybe two pots or so. There were a couple of hands that, in retrospect, I should have played differently (if at all) but live and learn.

However, everyone at the table was very pleasant and it was a friendly game to play with no one getting pissed off with the bad beats and stuff. It was interesting when one guy (an older gentlemen) talked about how most of the games he played at the CNE this year are mostly people under 30 who get visibly upset/pissed off everytime they lose a pot berating players in the process. I think somewhere along the line, us young folks seem to forget it is just a game after all.

Anyway, still looking forward to October and some more live play...hope things go better.


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