Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Big tourney cash (for me anyway)....

Hey all (or anyone as the case may be).

I recently received an invite to a private tourney at Royal Vegas Poker. In essence, it was a freeroll with a 10 dollar entry fee that would be refunded in its entirety. The prize pool was a guaranteed $2500 with a possible maximum of $40000.

Well, the number of entrants was small....about 55 people. So, given the fact that the bubble was 21st place, there was a good chance of cashing here.

And cash I did....I took 9th place and won around 60 dollars!

Okay, okay....it isn't the biggest cash prize in the world but I'm happy with it. Thus, that is all that counts in the grand scheme of things. This has now taken my free $10 signup to around $93 dollars and change....

I've started playing at a higher limit...the big whopping 0.10/0.20 game. However, I still consider it an accomplishment.

The next plateau is to break the century level and decide what to do from there. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More poker success.


I always say that when one gets bored, they should change things up a bit. So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to play in a SNG that was a bit outside my measley bankroll. I sat in a $2 Omaha Hi/Lo NL single table event....and won it!

I've been trying to work more on this game so that I can keep my game refreshed AND so that I have additional options to play. I added $10 bucks to my account on Royal Vegas and have nearly tripled my $10. Very cool.

I know that isn't much money but I'm enjoying the game...so I guess that is what counts the most. Just keep building it up...

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years later.

Again, this is supposed to be a poker blog.....however....

It has been 5 years since the largest attack on America since Pearl Harbour occurred in NYC. My thoughts are with those families affected by this tragedy and its aftermath with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I'm on the fence with Iraq with regards as to whether that war was necessary (although I do believe that Saddam and his two sons needed to be removed from power from a human rights perspective). However, I fully support the war in Afghanistan as they had a government that protected Osama and his cowards. They needed to be removed and Al Qaida needs to be destroyed and annihilated.

Today, we should remember those who were the first victims....poker can wait.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back from vacation.

I know. I haven't written in a while. I was on vacation for the last few weeks with my family.

During that time, I have been playing SNGs...and having great success. I think I have finally plugged some holes and things are working out well. I placed in the money about 75% of the time. In the other 25%, I finished no less than 5th and, with a couple of exceptions, had the best hand when the money went in. On Royal Vegas, I managed to meet my initial goal of doubling my bankroll (which is pretty cool).

Here is a hand I would like to share that knocked me out of one SNG. We were down to 5 players and on level 4. I had pocket Q's UTG. I raised preflop and had a call from a guy who had been raising with some pretty marginal hands (Q-5o as an example). The flop came:


This guy jumped to a large lead before this hand but had donked off a lot of chips to other players. I decided to push all-in. He called instantly. My first thought was that he had two pair or possibly a set. He turns over:


Whatever, I don't know what he was thinking here. Of course, he hit a 6 on the river to knock me out but I'm not too upset over it.

I've been thinking about the hand. The only mistake I might have made was to go all-in on the flop. I probably should have waited for the turn card for such a move...but I may have gone broke anyway.

Any thoughts?