Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Interesting session last night.

Well my SNG didn't go well...finished 6th. No cards at all...pretty card dead. Eventually pushed with called in two spots....flop came A-J-x....and both callers had aces....ah well.

As for my cash game, I actually dropped one buy-in. I rebought and came close to breaking even overall eventually quiting down about 10bbs. Not a bad end result considering I was stuck 100bbs earlier. Still playing around a bit with Rush Poker determining how much to raise preflop and such.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crazy streak.

Lately, I've been wanting to sharpen up my SNG game considering that I may want to satellite into bigger buy-in tournaments. So, while playing a rush game on FTP, I've been playing an SNG on Stars.

And the streak I've been on has been pretty good.

After early eliminations in my first two...I have cashed in the rest...including winning my last 3. I'm not saying I've been playing perfectly...there has been a suckout here and there...but I'm on the good side of variance right now.

I might take a shot at a satellite into the NL-Low SCOOP event this evening...I'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I cashed in a SCOOP event....

....but it was the wrong one.

I finished up Event #8 - Low around 2800th out of 18000. I really went dead in the last few levels and basically was forced to fold into the money. After the bubble burst, I just went in with two high cards since it would be another 300 places until the next money level. Got called and lost. I managed to turn $2 into an $10 profit so I guess I can't complain too much.

As for Event #8 - Medium, things could have gone better. I made it through about 75% of the field so I think that was pretty good considering that was my first higher buy-in tournament like that. However, I made quite a few mistakes and played 'scared' towards the end. However, it was a freeroll for me and a great learning experience. Ran into card-dead issues towards the end as well. I was getting short and we were still about 400 spots from the money. Took a stand with QJs, got called by 10-10 and didn't improve.

Would I play more SCOOP events? I wouldn't mind trying another medium buy-in event so I might try to satellite into one. I wouldn't play the low events exclusively since the fields can be quite large. The only exception would be the main event.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Currently playing SCOOP now...

While I was waiting for the event to start, I decided to try to satellite my way into the low-limit event. Started with 36 and I was one of the six still standing...

I'm on break now from the tournaments. Not really gaining any traction thus far. Some hands aren't holding up and a UTG bluff turned bad but got away from it relatively unscathed. Not much you can do. It is very deep-stacked so I don't feel any pressure as of yet. If I'm going to bust out of one early, I hope it is the low limit event...don't want to be up all night for the sake of winning $15 bucks.

Hope things start to turn around.

Tonights the big night...

Hey all.

I've decided that I'm going to use my SCOOP ticket to play the NLHE tournament 8pm this evening. I was going to play the main event. However, I've been having to work the last couple of Sunday that could be the case again. I'm also reasoning that if I'm fortunate enough to make some decent coin...I could buy into another tourney. Long shot of course but hey who knows...

I also crossed the $300 barrier for my total bankroll. Not too shabby since I started this latest quest with just $10. So I'm happy about it.

Wish me luck this evening!